I call you an ocean because some days I
cannot figure out your depth or your shallowness,
Do you run so deep that most people
drown at first trial
Is it that you are so deep and so dark
That nobody can survive you and
Your enormity!!
Or is that you are shallow that no ship can anchor
Or that ship and light boats are waved around in your expanse
Which is it, dear ocean that is me?
Because, I have watched from ashore.
Spectators admire the blue ocean,
Some even stare into the deep heart of the
While other stare and try touching the waters,
When the water forms little ripples or it rumbles,
Most ran way, others watch from a distance,
swallowed by the enormity of the waves
They stay and stare. Agape.
With eyes filled with wonder,
Dear ocean that is me, is that what you are good for?
A spectacle for the spectators
A wonder for the thrill seekers
Another adventure for the ocean explorer
All who dare not enter the shores?
Dear ocean that is me, who are you really?
You remain untouched, dear ocean
Your beauty unexplored. Admired from afar
No fisherman dares see whats underneath the waters
No explore seeks to understand your treasures
Buried underneath
Even the pearls deep under
No diver dares get into your depth
Dear ocean that is me, What is so scary about you!?